Nestell Family
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Matches 401 to 450 of 911

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
401 Farmer on death register Nestle (CW), George Benjamin (I695)
402 Farmer, builder, milk route (took milk to Aunt \Claras Cheesefactory), helped build Tri-City Airport during WWII Gwizdala, August Louis (I1195)
403 Farmer; Commoner Nestle, Kaspar (I514)
404 Farming From France in MJ Annis death Certificate Annis, Mary Jane (I804)
405 FHL Film number 1184696 Nestell, Jacob (I1420)
406 First Marriage- Rene One child - Jenelle
Second Marriage to Michelle 
Wyzgowski, Arthur J (I778)
407 Forest Lawn Cemetary Wilson, Anna Louisa (Annie) (I345)
408 Forest Lawn Cemetary Nestell, Burton Richard (I460)
409 Forest Lawn Cemetary Nestell, Howard (I690)
410 Forest Lawn Cemetary Perry, Muriel (Musie) (I746)
411 Forest Lawn Cemetary Haines, William Hale (I805)
412 Forest Lawn Cemetary Reese, Alpha (I1111)
413 Forest Lawn Cemetary Lauckner, George (I1156)
414 Forest Lawn Cemetary Andrews, Hiram C. (I1277)
415 Forest Lawn cemetary 1325-1 Nestell, Almira (Myra) (I716)
416 Forest Lawn, Blk #22, lot 218 (NE cor.) Nestell, Edward Levi (I393)
417 FRANCE-Possibly from
Date 1850-In Adams,Jefferson, New York, USA

From Freddie:
I have had more luck with Joseph Annis references; 1825 NY StateCensus; 1850, 1860 & 1870 Fed Census. †I also have a reference to himin Adams Jefferson NY as mentioned in the "Jefferson County Journal"(1/23/1878) as one of the old folks (aged 76). 
Annis, Joseph (I759)
418 Frank R/Frank Robert/Franz Roberrt Ganschow, Frank R. (I269)
419 Fraternal Twin to Mary Wejowski, Elizabeth (I755)
420 Freddie: Records at Cooperstpwn Library
During the Revolutionary War he possessed 150 acres of land in the Christian Gerlock Patent (Certificates of Quit Rent Remissions, Mss # A1211, Box D7816). FROM: The Bloddied Mohawk Page 503
[May have been Martin Sr] 
Nestle (Nestele), Johann Martin [RW] (I354)
421 Freeland Address Wurtzel, Laura Henrietta (I978)
422 French Girl from Essexville Pilon, Leona (I844)
423 Friderich Haimertinger, Anna, Hanss Michel Majers Weib Nestle, Jakob (I1492)
424 From 1860 Census Nestle, Elizabeth A. (I6)
425 From 1860 Census Nestell, Jane (I25)
426 From 1860 Census Nestell, Jane (I25)
427 From 1860 Census Nestle, William Coleman (I121)
428 From 1860 Census Nestle, (Naomi) Jane (I171)
429 From 1860 Census Nestle (CW), Joseph A (I195)
430 From 1860 Census Nestell, Edward Levi (I393)
431 From 1860 Census Nestle, Lucy Melinda (I537)
432 From 1860 Census Nestle, Godfrey John Jr (I644)
433 From 1860 Census Nestell, Samuel Clinton (I650)
434 From 1860 Census Adams, Malinda Jeanette (I768)
435 From 1860 Census Adams, Malinda Jeanette (I768)
436 From 1860 Census Adams, Malinda Jeanette (I768)
437 From 1860 Census Adams, Malinda Jeanette (I768)
438 From 1860 Census Nestle (CW), Albert E. W. (I971)
439 From 1860 Census Nestle (CW), Franklin F (I1017)
440 From 1860 Census Nestle, (Harvey) Alexander W. (I1154)
441 From 1860 Census Nestle, (Harvey) Alexander W. (I1154)
442 From 1860 Census >>Probably France Annis, Mary Jane (I804)
443 From 1870 Census Nestle, Jane (I1411)
444 From 1920 Census Nestell, Kenneth Alger (I509)
445 From 1930 Census//1900 Census 1876 Wilson, Anna Louisa (Annie) (I345)
446 From Aunt JoAnne Nestell, Elmer Franklin (I187)
447 From Census Ross, Charlotte (I185)
448 From France in MJ Annis death Certificate Resaw, Eliza (I712)
449 From France in MJ Annis death Certificate Annis, Joseph (I759)
450 From Freddie Stancel Nestle (Nestele) (Nossel), Johann Georg(e) (I858)

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