Nestell Family
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
301 Census- laborer & farmer-Property Value $210/Assessment Roll Section 18 40 Acres Nestle (CW), George Benjamin (I695)
302 Census-at same residence as brother George, age 19, working as laborer//Living with George B Nestle, Harvey M (I141)
303 Census-Farmer Nestle, Harvey M (I141)
304 Census-Working as laborrer; Wales Asessment record Nestle, Harvey M (I141)
305 Census//Rental 177Main St Mecosta/Occupation-Graesryman? Nestell, Edward Levi (I393)
306 Census/177 Main St, Mecosta Nestell, Burton Richard (I460)
307 Cenus Nestle, Thomas F (I1157)
308 Certificate od Death>>Prussia? Bulson, Lana Ann (I1353)
309 Certificate of Pharmacists Apprentice Dated 5/5/1942
War Dept Letter:
Med Lab Tech 7/7/1944 - 11/5/1944 At O’Reilly General Hospital, Springfield, MO 
Nestell, Elmer Franklin (I187)
310 Chad-abt 1866 Oyler, Anna Belle (I714)
311 Chadís record Feb 1854 Rytlewkia (Rytlewski), Susanna (I760)
312 Chadís-Woodstock Ontario Canada Lonsberry, Sarah Jane (I830)
313 Chads-1963 Gwizdala, LevkadiaLocadia (Louise) (I872)
314 Chattel Mortgage from Robert Cameron Nestle, Harvey M (I141)
315 Chattel Mortgage to Henry Fitz Nestle, Harvey M (I141)
316 Chattel Mortgage to James P Smith Nestle (CW), George Benjamin (I695)
317 Chattel Mortgage to Nathan Lashbrooks >> Cancelled 9/13/1871 Nestle, Harvey M (I141)
318 Chattel Mortgage w/Charles Layam Annis, Mary Jane (I804)
319 Check 1783 in Bible at 2AM or 9AM Monday Schultz, Michael (I1236)
320 Check 1785 in Bible at 2AM Tuesday Schultz, Doreatha Margaretta (I1300)
321 Check 1787 in Bible at 2AM Thursday Schultz, John George (I1238)
322 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Nestell, Elizabeth Marie (I38)
323 Christian Nestel, Anna Nestle, Christian (420) (I602)
324 Christopher Shulz, Margaret Nestell, Christopher (I488)
325 Civil War Veteran Leaym, John F. (I259)
326 Civil War veteran...Grand Army of the Republic.
152nd New York infantry, Co. B
Age 34 years, enlisted October 5, 1862, at Warren, New York, to serve three years. Mustered in as private, Co. B, October 14, 1862; deserted April 15, 1863 at Washington, D.C. 
Nestle, Peter (I1447)
327 Civil War-4th Infantry Michigan Company I (22nd Michigan) Nestle, Thomas F (I1157)
328 Colon Cancer Wyzgowski, Terry A (I962)
329 Conflicting info on birth: Wusterhausen, Pommern, Prussia Winfowl (Wurtzel), Christian (I1037)
330 Consumption Schmidt, Hamilton (I1298)
331 Contractor/Builder 1910 Census Nestell, Edward Levi (I393)
332 Cooper-1860 Death Schedule Nestell, Godfrey Sr (I744)
333 Could never hear Rose (I66)
334 Could now be 10910 Nestell, Elmer Franklin (I187)
335 Court Case against James Hill Nestle (CW), George Benjamin (I695)
336 Court Case vs Gibbs Nestle, Thomas F (I1157)
337 Cris has marriage as 11/22/1916
Worked at Saginaw Steering Gear Plant 1 for 35 years 
Nestell, Burton Richard (I460)
338 Custom 3-29-2
Death Certificate states Birth date 7/15/1844; both parents born in New York 
Nestle (CW), Joseph A (I195)
339 Date of death is taken from an affidavit made by his daughter with regard to the transfer of land after the decease of both John and his wife Lucy Nestle Lee. Lee (CW), John Erastus (I491)
340 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Hunt-Nestle, Merle (I1822)
341 Daughter of Michael Esther, Nestel (I1679)
342 Daughter of Michael Nestel 3 Years 3 months less 1 day Nestel, Esther (I1680)
343 David & Louisa were the parents of nine children Charters, David (I1827)
344 Death Info from Internet
From Leela Info: NY Trinity Lutheran Butial Records- PA16446 Box 19 Sterling Potter Collection
Christian Nestel-baker >> wife Maria 23 years pld March 14, 1793
..wife Anna Schultz child Johannes 1 years old Aug6, 1796 married Sept 13, 1794 
Nestell, Christian Michael (I211)
345 Death Place: Bengal, Clinton, Michigan Nestell, Hiram CW (I1220)
346 Death Records- Nestle, Albert--Cerebral Herorrage Nestle (CW), Albert E. W. (I971)
347 Death Register 9/24/1901) Nestle (CW), George Benjamin (I695)
348 Dell on tombstone Nestell, Martin Dellzine (Dell) (I621)
349 Died at age 5 ( From Freddie Stancel)
Leelsa-1/27/1769 SAL record 
Nestle, Johann Michael (I1483)
350 Died at age 7 Schultz, Christian Joachim (I777)

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