Nestell Family
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
601 Living with Wifes/Myrtle Parents Kenneth Likens, Ernest Clayton (I634)
602 Living with wife’s parents 155 Washington Ave Charters, Joseph (I1466)
603 Lobar Pneumonia, Died at home. Nestell, Edward Levi (I393)
604 Location of Plochingen within Esslingen district [show] ... Plochingen is a town in the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany Denzel, Ferdninand Wilhelm (I1565)
605 Location of this grave-site is presently unknown Lee (CW), John Erastus (I491)
606 Locust Run Cemetery
Sarah B(arbara)
Dr WH   Haines
Born April 23, 1893
Died September  28, 1895
Age 2 Yr 5 months 5 days 
Haines, Sarah Barbara (I700)
607 Lost Creek Menonnite Church Brown, Mary Ann Katherine (I1160)
608 Louisa & David were the parents of nine children Long, Louisa G. (I1828)
609 Lucy from Otsego County, New York Family F930
610 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F67
611 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Young, Leonard Allen (I206)
612 Marketfield Street >> Baker from City Directory Nestell, Godfrey Sr (I744)
613 Marquette Rd Assessment Roll Section 28; Town 6; Range 15 40 Acres Nestle (CW), Joseph A (I195)
614 Marriage
Date: 1873«s8 Database online., Record for Joseph A. Nestle» 
Family F25
615 Married 12/1/2007 Schweitzer, Nicole (I143)
616 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Hall, Erma E (I224)
617 Married a MARY Emmel, John (I447)
618 Married a Preour Hall, Mabel (I454)
619 Married A Ross Hall, Joyce (I405)
620 Married a Triska Nestell, Carol (I229)
621 Married by Pastor England Family F411
622 Married by Rev John Christopher (Younze) Family F203
623 Married by Rev John Daniel Pros Family F56
624 Married Frank Cody 9/18/2004 Gwizdala, Lisa M (I326)
625 Married Germa9ine and had 3 children Gwizdala (Gwisdala), William P (I162)
626 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Reder, Rita (I65)
627 Married Mabel

Hello, I'm doing family geneaology research and my search has led me to discover the true given name of my great grandfather. We grew up knowing him as an Avery Leo Martin, but it seems his birth name was Harold Lee Nestell, son of Samuel Lafayette Nestell. Searching through your records, it seems the Nestells were a prominent and established family in Wales Township. All we know is that my great grandfather Harold Nestell was born May 13th, 1899 in Wales, and according to new information we received he may have been an inmate at the Ionia County Michigan Reformatory at the age of 19 (1918-1919). I know it is a stretch, but ANY information you may have would be helpful. I'd love to know if there were any arrest records that could still be accessed so we can piece together this crazy story of a family member who apparently was NOT a good person. Thank you for any assistance you can offer!
Spam | Trash
October 5, 2016 at 2:08 pm

Hey there Michael,

How funny is that - you're the webmaster and you're a Nestell! Let me know what time would work for you, and I'll set my mother up to speak with you - she's the granddaughter of Harold Lee Nestell, born May 13th 1899 to Samuel Lafayette Nestell. We found out some more information in the time since I posted on your website - it turns out Harold Lee was convicted of "attempted wreck train" and sentenced to 10 years in the Ionia Michigan Reformatory at the age of 16. We had no idea what he had done that would have caused him to change his name and assume a new identity until we found this. Please find, attached, a copy of the document we received from the Michigan Archives.

Anyway, just as some background. Harold Lee Nestell apparently changed his name and assumed the identity of Avery Leo Martin - he came to New York State and had a family with my Great Grandmother. My grandpa Frank R. Martin doesn't remember much of his father early on, but they were dirt poor. My gramps joined the national guard at the age of 15-16 just to survive.

Thank you SO much for responding to my message and I'm so happy to finally be finding out more about this hidden side of the family!

Richard McGilvray
Buffalo, New York 
Nestell, Harold (I1076)
628 Married Robert Cramer Bies, Gwendolyn (I1197)
629 Married Soloman "Saul" L Justin (1864-1939) of St. Clair, Michigan in 1912. Saul was the son of Alonzo Justin and Sarah Hollenbeck. Leaym, Adelaide May (I330)
630 Married to Clement (Ben) Gwizdala Bies, Eileen (I22)
631 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Kitts, Gary (I836)
632 Married William Maltby New York Schultz, Anna Maria (I1645)
633 Marries a Forester Nestell, Clara (I1050)
634 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Mrozinski, Eugene (I1145)
635 Marte Nestel & Susannah Ries Nestel, Susannah (95) (I258)
636 Martin Nestel & Elizabeth Koch Nestel, Barbara Elizabeth (137) (I837)
637 Martin Nestel & Elizabeth Koch Nestle, Martinus G (Martin) (136) (I885)
638 Martin Rentz & Jörg Knosp Weib Greta Lud, Barbara (I1527)
639 Martinus Dillenbach Jr & Marlena Nestel, Martinus (88) (I166)
640 Martinus Dillenback Jr & Mar Lena Dellenbach Nestel, Martinus (88) (I166)
641 Martried Unknown Randall
Children Kallie and Griffin 
Stoianowski, Kristi (I1192)
642 Mary Soles ORIGINALLY from Chadís info
**!!NOTE: DC on file for MOTHER = Maria Bulson
All I have ever found are estimates for his birth date. †I do not know where the 3-9-1778 date came from. †If you figure it out, let me know.†I did not know the day or month of birth. †The year of birth was an estimate based upon unreliable and inconsistent information. Estimated his birth between 1763 and 1770.

The most reliable estimate is from the 1820 Fed Census. †It indicates a birth prior to 1775. †The 1810 Fed Census (assuming that this is our guy in Lewis Co NY indicates a birth prior to 1765. †The 1860Mortality Schedule indicates a birth in 1761. †This is the least reliable as he was death and their was no one present at his death that was also present at his birth. †The 1850 Fed Census indicates that he was born 1763-1764 in NJ. It is not clear who provided this info, but it is most likely Catherine, the youngest daughter, and more likely granddaughter. 
Sommes (Somes) (Soles) (Soans), Mary Polly (I702)
643 Marys Twin Gwizdala, Martha M. (I228)
644 May 4, 1855 in Chrictian Bible Nestell, Eleanoria Almiria (I1296)
645 May be Adopted b Feb 24, 1740 dies 1779 Married Emige Dockstader, Marcus G (I1763)
646 May have been a twin to Frences Nestell, Francis (I1315)
647 May have been in New York City in 1790 as a baker > City Directory Living on Fly Market Street Nestell, Godfrey Sr (I744)
648 May Have died on ship 21 Feb 1750 Nestle, Jakob Ulrich (I1020)
649 Maybe 1804 Schmidt, Henry William (I422)
650 Melvin served in the Navy during WWII. He was a member of the MasonicLodge Mt. 281 in Altoona and the Valley of Altoona Consisyory; he wasthe former secretary for the St Lucie River Chaper of the Sons os theAmerican Revolution.

Melvin had two brothers: John & Sheldon (married Norma)
and two sisters: Arlene (Piper) & Ruth Ann (Weberg)

Melvin's wife Jo had three children in her first marriage: John,Donna, (Scavullo of Scotia, NY), and Elizabeth (Helpern of Albany, NY) 
Knouse, Melvin (I500)

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