Nestell Family
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
251 Blanche Haggarty listed as child Haines, Sabina Ortilla W. (I1459)
252 Block 29 - Lot 3 - plot 6 Wurtzel, Laura Henrietta (I978)
253 Block 29 - Lot 4 - plot 4 Nestell, Jason John (I1214)
254 Block 29 - Lot 4 - plot 5 Nestell, Elmer Franklin (I21)
255 Block 29 - Lot 4 - plot 6 Haines, Clara Sebina Hazel Lucille (I183)
256 Blod Poisoning Nestle (CW), Joseph A (I195)
257 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Nestell, Brandi Elizabeth (I487)
258 Born at 6PM Schultz, Christian (I1233)
259 Born in Canada Nestell, Burton Richard (I460)
260 Born Jan 15 Wyzgowski, Sandra Lynn (I1008)
261 Born Oct 25, XX Wyzgowski, Bonnie Lou (I894)
262 Both parents born in South America Charters, Joseph (I1466)
263 Both Woodland Cemetary Hauptman, Arthur B Sr (I1780)
264 Brain Tumor Perry, Muriel (Musie) (I746)
265 Bremen? Dell, Nicholas (I1782)
266 Brother to Lawrence Bies-Marthaís husband Bies, Stanley (I346)
267 Burial assumed in Little Bow, but no markers found. Lashbrooks, William (I127)
268 Buried in (E) Reformed Church Yard Canada d-Parish St George
Schmidt Bible = Died in Williamsville, Erie County New York November 10, 1878 at his son in laws house. Buried in C. E. Randalls Lot 
Schmidt, Hamilton (I1298)
269 Buried in Altoona, PA Charters, Mary Jane (I548)
270 By Mifflintown PA Haines, Sarah Barbara (I700)
271 by Pastor Domier Nestle, Johann Gottlieb [RW] (I472)
272 by Rev C Schaffer Family F874
273 by Reverend Schaffer Family F872
274 by W D Strobel Family F913
275 ca 1750; liv. Aug 1769 (spf Emige bp)
d 1831 age 81; ml 1770 Johan Burchard Streher 
Schultz, Maria Elisabeth (I1762)
276 Called Capt John Dillenbach, Capt. Johannes (I1043)
277 Came from Orange County New York
Her Mother’s maiden name was Thrasher of Weathersfield, Connecticut 
Adee, Phoebe Ann (I1303)
278 CAME FROM PA in 1751> ships records 
Came from Ludwigsburg Protocol
From Weil im Schönbuch in Wuerttemberg

New-York Gazette & Weekly Mercury 1774
Vicetur, Adam, indented servant, age c. 40-runaway April 5 fromMartinus Nestell, living in Palatine District, County of Tryon, NY; reward for his capture offered by owner or C(J)asper Nestell, in NYC (6/6) 
Nestle (Nestele), Johann Martinus (I216)
279 came in on Ship Neptune with wife Nestle, Johann Michael**! (I1525)
280 Cancer of the Layrnx? Leaym, John F. (I259)
281 CaptLt Continental Line NY
Fought at Oriskany Allentown
Was in Sullivans Brigade
Second Regiment Artillery 
Nestle, Peter [RW] (I948)
282 Carpenter 1910 Census Nestell, Elmer Franklin (I21)
283 Caspar Baur vnd Pflegers Haussfraw Nestle, Johannes (I1547)
284 Castle Grove Catholic Cemetary Nestell, Mary Jane (I255)
285 Cause of Death Infl. Bowels Ganschow, *Wilhelmine Minna Minnie (I966)
286 Cause of Death-Gichter (Gout) Nestle, Eva Barbara (I1504)
287 Cause-Consumption Lashbrook, Ida Mae (I1325)
288 Cemetary Record Nestle, Adam (I1491)
289 Cenotaph (memorial marker) located in Lambs Cemetery, Wales Township, St. Clair County, MI, USA Nestle (CW), Franklin F (I1017)
290 Census Nestell, Jane (I25)
291 Census Nestell, Edward Levi (I393)
292 Census A, Mary (I877)
293 Census Nestle (CW), Albert E. W. (I971)
294 Census Charters, David (I1047)
295 Census Charters, David (I1047)
296 Census Countryman, Rebecca (I1379)
297 Census Nestle, Peter (I1447)
298 Census (Thomastown) Haggerty, Blanche (I1477)
299 Census Farmer Presley, Enoch (Enos) (I651)
300 Census Farmer Nestle, Adam (I1377)

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